to influences beyond our control, Sanni has asked that her Web
pages be removed.
She continues to be harassed by certain individuals who have
no clue about her integrity and her compassion in reaching out
to help others.
wishes to thank everyone who has contacted her in the
last several years. If you want more information about Sanni's
art and her books, please visit Earth Star Publications.
Sanni's Q & A column, "Commander's Star Base," runs
in The Star Beacon monthly newsletter. Earth people ask questions about space and
she gives the answers. You can see her
most recent column by clicking here.
Submit a question for ET
Posted by Web
Dreams on February 5, 2014

Dear Commander, I'd like to know if any
ET species will help us solve the Fukushima crisis? I feel it will poison the
whole earth and all living beings on it, and I don't think any human can stop it
or clean the earth from the radioactive poison that's already been released. I
think we really need ETs' help now.
I also wonder if you can help me get
in direct physical or mental contact with any friendly ET? I want to
learn from them and have discussions about the problems on Earth and
other things. To have an ET as a friend would simply be amazing. Ronny Rydström, Stockholm, Sweden
A: Dear
Ronny, Fukushima was a manmade
event; therefore, humans must learn from their mistakes. If you give a baby a
weapon, it's dangerous. Atoms in hands not trained to understand create
Read the
rest of the Commander's Starbase in The Star Beacon.